Tuesday 24 May 2011

Having a bad day!!!

You know when I woke up this morning I didn't think I would feel the way I feel now, that I would feel so down and you can't shake it off or completly forget about it.

It all started at home were someone was just having their own mood swings and just taking it out on anyone and I could take that and I got ready for my day out for college and that was a mess and it was just a shock at what occured and it made me feel so bad that I just can't deal with certain people anymore.

Then when you are tired from you're day and work and all the BS you get home and then there's someone else who's ready to argue and all that BS. Funny how this ishh always happens on the same day...Always!!

It would have alright if you go to work, college, school whatever and you have a bad day then you come home to loving nice people but if it's both places you have no where to just relax, forget and ease the tention...then what chance did you have. I know it's nothing compared to what other people in world might be going through but I feel down and unhappy right now and maybe I will be able to read this in the future and have memories of the shizz I had to experience.

I will get over it, we all have bad days and you know life isn't easy...but you get on with it.

In tribute to my bad day today, here's Daniel Powter - Bad Day

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