Monday 31 January 2011

That Perfect Beach Body

I know every year around at summer time we all start to go crazy on all these crash diets because we want to lose weight for that summer holiday. Well do you really believe that in two weeks you will be able to lose the weight and look like this.

I thought not, most people only last a day or even a week and then give in. Some people say to themselves I will not go on holiday this year because I haven’t lost enough weight. I will go on holiday when I have lost 30 pounds. Well what do you do if you don’t lose that weight, you don’t go on holiday the following year, well I am going to say live you’re life or you will spend most of you’re life being unhappy. Be happy with what you have and enjoy you’re self. Go on holiday, where a swimsuit, shorts, dress and have ICE CREAM in summer. Life is too short to be worrying about how much you weigh.

You know what I would rather be like this and enjoy my life....

Why I gave up Dieting and Wanting to Lose Weight

After dieting or attempting to lose weight for many years, something was finally working, I was losing weight….Slowly but surely. After 4 months I had lost 11 pounds and my BMI was below 25. I was officially healthy and not overweight but how did I feel. Yes, I felt happy when I had gotten on that scale and the numbers went down but then I would just start thinking about wanting the scale to go even lower and the happieness would go away.

I also received a few compliments about my weight and it felt good. I am not going to say eating healthy and exercising is wrong but when you are doing it to lose weight you usually get carried away and start doing extreme things. For example, I went on a fruits and vegetable diet. In a day I lost 2 pounds but I felt so sick, depressed and sad. I just felt horrible and I think to all these celebs doing this to themselves…it’s not nice and I would rather be overweight than ever go through that again.

As well, I exercise using workout Dvd’s and I sprained my leg using a workout dvd. I never thought that would ever happen to me but it did and now I look at it, am I healthier now than I was before, I think not. I got a cold as well this year, the doctor said because I wasn’t receiving enough nutrients my immune system wasn’t strong enough to fight off the virus as quickly as it had done before and I am a person who hasn’t had a cold or flu in years.

Being healthy is not defined by the number on the scale but you and you're body. Being healthy means being mentally, physically, socially and emotionally well.

Journey to the so Called Dream Body

How many of us want a body like this? This is what we diet end up with a body like this....Yes, Yes, Yes...Millions of women and men diet everyday with the hopes of getting a bodies like these.

I am going to say alittle about myself. Since the age of 9 I started dieting or trying to lose weight, it wasnt as serious as today but it was there...As I got older I gained more weight, not alot but I was always bigger than the previous year. But now I think about it; it could have been because I was developing...developing into a women some people would say.

Last summer I started my weight loss journey. In that journey I exercised three times a week, why most weeks and I started eating healthy...I cut out on all junk foods and I lost 11 pounds. I got a couple of compliments. I am 11 pounds lighter but am I happier than I was when I had those 11 pounds....what did I gain....

I think the main reason why most people who lose weight gain it back is the fact that when they reach their goal...there's nothing at the end of the road...all the expectations and hopes they don't come true and then you say to yourself...Is this why I made myself unhappy. This!!

Beyonce, Beyonce Beyonce...This is a picture of BeyoncĂ© playing a role in DreamGirlz. For BeyoncĂ© to play this role she went on the maple syrup diet and it was reported that she lost 1 stone in a month by just having this syrup mixture of lemon juice, water and cayenne pepper. But when you are consuming only 60 calories a day how do you go on. There are many crash diets like these that promise fast results and easy weight loss. Is it really easy though….If these diets worked would millions still be dieting today? No!

Friday 28 January 2011

Coming home - Diddy Dirty money

This song is number 3 in the uk Itunes and is definitely going to be in the top 5 in the UK official charts this sunday. To me what makes this song so special is the lyrics, especially the chorus.

It has a beautiful meaning and when I hear it I think about home and going there. I have to give it to Diddy, good job. The video is amazing and the singing is wonderful. Aswell the rapping was heartfelt. Diddy is really maturing and growing musically and I might say and I just might buy Last train to Paris album by Diddy Dirty money.

Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year and Cold feet

1st January 2011, how do I feel about it…am I making New Year’s resolutions and partying all night long? No! I am glad that 2010 is over but what makes 2011 different from 2010 it’s just a period of days that have finished you will have to go to work at the same place, see the same people as you did in 2010. New Year’s Day was boring, waking up…eating, internet, washing the dishes and cooking then sitting down and watching the good old television.

As I was watching the television with about 3 pairs of socks on and ugg boots on plus with the heating blazing hot. My body was warm but my feet were cold and this has been going on for 2 months now…I am the sort of person that likes to walk around without any socks in the house but this is what I was reduced to.

Anyways, I got curious of what the problem could be so I went online and goggled “why are my feet always cold,” and I got an answer and someone said that it could be because of is no/ lack of circulation in my feet, which seems pretty accurate and one good suggestion was putting your feet in a bucket of water. And that’s what I went and did.

As you can see from above that was my bucket and towel. Nothing fancy, hahaha. At first I cleaned the bucket and then put hot water from the tap whilst the jug boiled and then I placed my legs one at a time into the bucket of hot water and then I dried it off. I repeated it again after the hot water had boiled in the jug. The water was so hot though I had to add some cold water and then I placed my feet in the bucket again. I also massaged my feet and it was relaxing and it felt good. In addition, it has been a couple of hours now and my feet are nice and warm but I do have a pair of socks on.

So that’s the way I solved the problem of having cold feet, literally….