Wednesday 16 January 2019

Learning Korean: Bought some books from TTIK

I have been trying to teach myself Korean for a little while now and even though the free stuff online has helped me to learn the basics. I didn't have that much motivation because I learn best from reading a book and not online.

So since it's 2019 I decided I want to really put myself out there and take learning Korean seriously. I went to TalktomeinKorean website, I have used their site before, it is one of my sources for learning Korean but I had never bought anything before so I went to their store and I saw the books they had. They had a beginners pack which had a book on verbs 1 & 2 and other beginner books which interested me a lot. So, I decided to buy that as well as the level 1 books. When I signed in there was a test and I was still at level 1.

I decided to do their special delivery because I wanted my order to come quickly and I prefer my order to be tracked since its coming from Korea.

It was actually really quick and the tracking was very good. I order it on Sunday and it arrived on Wednesday. So, that was quite good. Everything was there and they were new books.

The easy Korean Reading book excited me because I feel as though if I can actually read Korean sentences and understand it, that will be great. That's the goal to understand and say Korean sentences.

The real life conversations book looks good too, they have audio on their website so that should help me to be able to say the basic stuff and that will also help me when I am watching kdrama's because then I will be able to understand the common phrases.

I really liked the my first 500 words book because I kinda was doing something like that because it's good to learn more words as you go along and it seems like something you can do for like 30 mins a day and the book's really pretty. I love pink <33

The verbs books, I am really excited about that because I have started learning verbs but I feel as though those books will have a clearer explanations and more structure. I won't just be learning this and that like before and it's really pretty.

Those were the books in the beginners pack. I also got the TTIK Level 1, I think most people just buy that but I wanted to do more. I probably know maybe like 10% of whats in there but the book looks really user friendly and colorful and they also have sections where they have pictures of popular places in Korea and a little paragraph about Korea. I thought that was a nice extra touch to the books.

They have a workbook for the level 1 and I am going to write on it with a pencil, I don't really care about reselling them on ebay or anything. I haven't had a workbook since school so I am quite excited about learning with the books and that is one of my goals this is to reach the end of the year and to be able to understand Korean more confidently.

Let's do this, let's learn Korean!!!!!

Finally went to an interview & got a good response

Today is a good day and I can say that I am happy. I woke up and I got a call that after my interview last week Friday they wanted me to come in and do the work experience at the big travel agency.


Literally, after like so many interviews and being rejected so many times to actually go in and have an interview and for them to like me, it feels good and it shows me that I am slowly becoming less unemployable. 

Even though it is for work experience that will be for 8 weeks. It is a big company and if I am lucky they might ask me to stay for a permanent position but if they don't I will have a big company as a reference and I am actually excited about the work they will be doing as it will be something that I don't usually get to see on a normal day. 

Also, there was something with her handshake, when we met the handshake touched the tips of my hand, but when I was leaving she gave me a full handshake. But if you have been rejected so many times before I was convinced I hadn't gotten it, but apparently they really REALLY liked me. Ahh, let me just revel in this moment and on that part. They really REALLYYYYY liked me. Me: crying of joy as I type. 

Hopefully, I get along with the people there but I will have my best smile and try my hardest to be friendly with everyone. I have learnt alot of my previous work experiences that were not so great so here's to hoping that this one will be a great one. 

I am excited to be starting, it was like one door closed and another opened. 

All I know is that I am going to work hard and take this opportunity with both hands and do my absolute best. I am ready!!!!

I am also going to start revising for an AAT qualification. 2019, I am not going to waste the year like last year. 

Saturday 12 January 2019

2019: What I want to achieve

It's already 12 of January, time really flies. I don't want it to be 2020 and I am in the same place, unemployed and crying about it.

Career plan -

My plan for 2019 is too get a job, this can be anything. I just need to stop claiming.

I also want to complete my AAT qualifications this year.

This will all help me to become more likely to get into an accounting graduate scheme. I told myself that this will be the last year I will be applying for graduate schemes, if I fail this year then I will give up for good and accept that that is not the path for me.

Right now, I have an interview with a supermarket for a store assistant type of job. I know it's below wanting to become an accountant but I feel as though that experience will benefit me. My only issues is, will I be fit enough to do that type of job. or will I even get that type of job.

Also, I had an interview on friday for a work experience opportunity at a massive travel company. It will be for 8 weeks and after that I might not even get a job. In my heart, after going there I wasn't really interested, it seems like a place that wouldn't be a fit for me, they all seemed fake. But if I get it, I will go and see, it will look good on my CV and you never know.

But if I don't go I will go to the supermarket one, just so that I know if I would have gotten it or not. I can't deal with regrets in my life.

I will also buy some new AAT books, so that I have a fresh new start. I also want to see about Sage, I might call them to see what they say.


Web development, I had a website and I created fansites for people, I was doing it for free, but I just got bored of it because I could create wordpress themes and there was no challenge even though I knew I still had a lot to learn so I opted to cancel everything and just stop that.

The goal of this year is to create a mobile blogger website and also a mobile app and get it live. I need to start working on that.


Korean, I feel as though I have gone backwards, I am realising that learning a new language is like watering a plant if you stop it will die. I need to be more consistent with this.

I want to buy a korean book, maybe having something in person instead of on a computer will help me.


I want to create a weight-loss blog. I am still thinking about it. I want it to document my experience but also to write little dribbles of life losing weight and stuff. I have been thinking about it and I feel as though this could also be something where I could end up with a career for. So, it's all still a thought process, will see.


Stock trade, that is also something that I have thought about and this year I want to try it out and see if it something for me or not.

So, I will get some books first and then take it from there.


A goal of 2019 is to be healthy and happy and give it my all. Don't stress unnecessarily.

Thursday 3 January 2019

2019 - Let's get it

Happy New Year, 2019 is the year, where good things will happen, I am putting it out there.

I have officially finished my work experience now well yesterday and I feel weird about it because I went into Christmas thinking I had atleast a few weeks to come back to, that I had something to look forward too and then when we went there was nothing to do and it was over.

I didn't have time to mentally prepare to the fact that it was over and now it's done. No more work experience, no more waking up in the morning and catching a bus. No more.

But I have to look at it as one door has closed, and now I am in a limbo state waiting for another door to open.

So, what do I want to do with my life now?

I am going to carry on applying for jobs, right now I just want anything so that I am not claiming anymore. I just need to do something even if it's retail or a dead-end job. I just need something. So, that is the first goal, to get a job.