Friday 17 February 2012

Chris Brown- Turn up the Music - Official Music Video Review

Since I did the review for the song might as well do the review for the video. Still not a big fan of the song but it will be played a lot at nightclubs.
As for the video I was surprised, I am not going to lie it's actually a good video. It starts off with Chris drinking and then he gets into the taxi. Even though I have mostly given up with his music I still have hope with his acting skills.

Then there is the dancing, which was made to look cool but honestly, he has done all of this before, I don't know if he has a choreographer or not but the flips, the moves and the MJ copy dance moves and style. I have no problem with coping or getting inspiration from Michael Jackson. But Michael Jackson didn't copy anyone. He brought something great to the world, with his style, dance moves and videos. Would he be that great if he had just copied someone else? No and I think that's what will probably keep Chris back because he needs to develop as an artist and have different and unique dance moves, videos and style.

Neither less, I think the video was done very well and I can't fault that.

Peep the Video below:

Introducing: Cougar Town Season 3 Premiere (Spoiler)

Cougar Town is back after a 9 months Hiatus. For those that don't watch Cougar town it started off about newly single mother of a teenager just looking to have fun and I guess going out and being with younger men, which is where the name comes from but then she falls in love with a neighbour who is around the same age her. Other character’s include her best friends and her ex-husband.
 Season three is back and it starts off with a proposal. Yay. Honestly, cougar town was so funny on season one when she actually was a cougar, it was different and funny at the same time but season two it was more like a worse copy of friends. You know, she isn't a cougar anymore and nothing much is going on and there were a few laughs. This was also made worse by "Hot in Cleveland," which now is miles better than cougar town.

The new season is like nothing has changed, I am not sure if I laughed at all that episode and it was basically about her being boring and predictable and somehow her son Travis is back in college??? How did that happen....The proposal was a shock but I guess this season is going to be all about the wedding. Hmmm.

I will keep watching, it's a good show to watch and hopefully the humour will come as we go along.

Thursday 16 February 2012

I Want to do Something with my Life

When I dropped out of University all I was thinking about is that I need to leave this place and how horrible doing nursing was. The problem was I never thought about what I would do after. I have ideas and I am a positive dreamer, if I get an idea in my head about something I start to see myself doing that and imagining all these crazy life but in reality when I get to do it or when I really think about what it actually is, it's not very good. I left thinking that I was going to do Maths and go all the way but now I am not sure.

When I think about something I was good at it was maths, even in primary school. It was so easy for me and it just clicked. Obviously I wasn’t the best but it was my best subject. I never took education really that seriously when I was in high school until the last year. I remember in Maths I suddenly started to do really well mainly because I spending more time doing maths and then I got move up to the top maths class and I met the best teacher ever. She believed in me and she thought I was really good at maths and that I could get an A, if I worked at it.

That belief in me, I had never ever felt that before and every day after school, after going to after school classes I would still revise maths. I learnt the whole book and if I didn't work out anything in class I would go over it. I still remember those exams. They were so easy I knew every single answer. I was so confident. Of course to me and my family's surprise maths was the only thing I ever got an A in. I never ever thought I would get an A in anything. But I did even if no one believed I could do it. I did it and I remember when I was in Uni doing nursing I think I told several people about that. I was so proud. I don't think I have ever done anything else since then that makes me as proud as when I got that A in Maths.

I had lost faith in my dream, it's not an astronaut, singer, doctor, painter or anything that people have dreams about. Most people hate maths but I love it and I might not be great yet but that's my dream. I dream of becoming a research analyst and that means I will have to go back to university and do Mathematics. A degree in maths, who would have thought I would be doing something like or even thinking about doing something like that. There are many obstacles ahead of me and at this point I am the only one that believes in me. And there are many people that tell me I cannot do this and I did believe them but now that I am looking at other options it's the only thing that I think I would enjoy to do.

I have been making up excuses and doing other things to distract me from actually doing what I think is important and this is wasting my time. I am not going anywhere, with this. I have to become an adult now and I need to start taking control of my life. Firstly, I am going to make a cv and a cover letter.....Hopefully, get a job to save up for some money then I can go to college again to do the course I need to go to University. I feel like it's going to be twice as hard to get here than it would have been two years ago. If only I hadn't been lazy and I had actually taken things seriously.

 But Oh well it’s better late than never.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Pauline Quirke losing weight but gaining years.

Constant backache, painful knees, a worn out hip, Pauline Quirke reveals that ballooning to 20st was like carrying another person around. Now she’s determined the 7st she’s lost is staying off...

When Pauline Quirke stood on the bathroom scales for the first time in years eight months ago, she thought they were broken so went out and bought another pair. But the reading was the same: 19st 6lb. 
'I'd watched a programme about sumo wrestlers a few days before which said one of them tipped the scales at 20 ½ stone,' she says. 'I thought, "That's a lot of weight." 'Then, the following week, I got on the scales and they said, 19st 6lb. I thought, "That can't be right," so got off, got on, got off again, twiddled the knob. It was definitely 19st 6lb.

'I went to Argos and bought another pair. They said 19st 6lb too. I was the size of a sumo wrestler. That was a real shock. I thought, "I've got to deal with this." Call it what you want, but when you're 19st 6lb, technically that's morbidly obese.' So, very fat? 'Yes. Go on. Use the f-word. It's not insulting. Fat is fat.' 

'I visualised what I wanted from losing weight. First, it was to be healthier and feel better, and then wearing jeans and T-shirts became my thing. I've still got a little way to go. I wanted to lose 8 ½ st.' 

Now, I'm stunned. I weigh just under eight stone. She wanted to lose me, plus an extra leg. 'Imagine me having to lug you around 24/7,' she says.

The sad thing about this is now she looks older than her actual age, she has deffo aged with this weight loss. But we hope she carries on maintaining the weight loss.

Drake - Practice Official Music Video Review

  Practice music video has just been released, I got Drake's Take care album and practice was one of the best songs on the album. It's abit on the explicit side but I liked the song, the beat and Drakes voice with it went well together.

I have just seen the video and when I first saw it I thought it was just some random video of a girl dancing to his song and he walked in, not knowing this is a music video. To sum up:

"The video girl with big FAKE bum dancing and at 3:14 drake walks and the dancing stops."

Honestly, she can't dance (or twert as they call it) it's ruined the song a little bit for me and if I was to watch the video I would watch from 3:14 and onwards. Is it original no and yes, I say yes because who has made a video like this so simple yet something that hasn't been officially done by an artist before. The no part is how many video's are there of a girl with a FAKE big bum dancing. It's so unoriginal and bluh. Only guys will like this.....

Peep Video Below:

Madonna Give Me All Your Luvin' (Feat. M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj) Official Music Video Reveiw

Madonna is back and a lot of fans will be excited about the news that she is coming back with new music and just now she has dropped her newest music video give me all you luvin featuring M.I.A and Nicki Minaj.

 Honestly, Madonna is a legend and my personal favourites by Madonna are "papa don't preach," "holiday" and "like a prayer."
Now let's talk about "Give me all your luvin," the song is OK, I think for me it's a grower. The video is good. I liked it when they were in white but it was very obvious that a lot of Photoshop was used. Madonna is an aging woman and even with all the technology it showed.
 I felt that Nicki Minaj and M.I.A had very short parts, Madonna made sure that this music video was definitely hers and that no one would over shadow her.But I don't think they cared how people get the chance to work with a legend like Madonna.
Peep the video Below: