Tuesday 14 October 2014

Life: feeling lost (lost friends and second year at university)

Right now I feel down and lost. I am trying.....emphasis on trying to find out who I am and trying to for some reason fit in and be friends with everyone when I am know it can't be done. From the old flat mates that are still going out and enjoying themselves and here I am finally coming to the realisation that we have to part ways and that sometimes it's just good to remember the good old times and not dwell on not participating. I enjoyed my first year with them and now I have to accept that it's over.

We were a bunch of people all over the world who were placed in halls together but without the closeness of the halls I guess efforts just don't occur. I will miss them all some more than others but I have to remember that all good things come to an end and the good thing is that it ended well. On good terms, no embarrassing stories. So why carry it on until it ends on bad terms.

Then there is university, Second year of accounting and finance is different. I don't really know how I feel about it to be honest with you, it's all about shareholders and it's a lot of reading. I guess I really need to get myself up and moving seeing as I can't drop out now or I will be the laughing stock of the world. I am smart but I just don't find it interesting.........there I said it.


Some people say you have to grind and go through the horrible, boring times before you can even get to the interesting times. I feel like I have trapped myself and put myself in so deep that the only way I can move is forward and that involves just working through this and trying to get a 1st grade. But I feel like I am already behind. It's shocking how quickly that can happen and then I don't do any work to try and improve it. I am a loser.

I am looking for a motivator but nothing comes to mind, ever. Im just here sitting, whilst life goes on.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Vampire Diaries season 6 premiere (Spoilers)

Vampire diaries is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a long wait, such that the recap really helped me to figure out what had happened before everything left off.

Damon and Bonnie were dead....(oh as dead as someone is on vampire diaries)

This episode was Okay, the ending was the most interesting but that was about it without putting in any spoilers.


So lets start with Elena because it was mainly about her. She is basically drugged out on some herbs which make her hallucinate Damon, which I am glad his still on the show and the side affects makes her a more thirsty which was sorf off interesting and there was a sort off touching moment when she tried, enthesis on TRY'S to let go of Damon, I kinda liked it when he just wouldn't go away. Anyways, in the end she asks Alaric to compel her to forget she ever knew Damon. Then they went to the ending were they showed Damon and Bonnie, no one really mourned Bonnie apart from Jeremy, just saying. So I am guessing Damon and Bonnie will come back somehow but Elena won't remember him and they will fall in love all over again. So does that mean Bonnie is a normal witch again and not the anchor, will see.

Stefan, what was he doing, like i thought the girl was a witch or something. I don't believe he would give up that easily. I bet you he will find find Damon and Bonnie. I did love it when he told the girl he was a vampire and she laughed it off and R.I.P that iPhone. Sad times.

Caroline was just there, like literally just there at the edge of the town.

What is Tyler doing with that blond girl, she and her brother should have just left with the season, they are irrelevant. I really did like Tyler and Caroline but she seems more interested in Stefan.

Alaric I think got too much air time, I wasn't really that sad to see him go to be honest.

I was just checking out the originals and when that is coming back and for some weird reason I am more excited about that show than this one and vampire diaries became more exciting about Klaus and the originals without them it's just Elena and Damon and that's kinda boring. I wish they could at least bring back Katherine, she was interesting.

Hopefully, the new season gets better.