Monday 7 February 2011

A Healthy Balanced Lifestyle

This tends to be me now adays. One of the main reasons being my future, when you don't have a set future career plan you will look like that women above, like I don't even have finger nails anymore. My situation is I have been forced to apply for a course in university because there is more of a security in that job however my heart isn't completetly in that job.

Some of my other options that have crawled around my head.

My first plan was to start a business, I was very keen on starting a Bed and breakfast hotel and then developing from there.

My next plan was to teach english in China or Japan but I don't know it just seemed like a pipe dream.I thought about loads of different ideas from working on a farm and just living of the land to working on a zoo and then going to africa and working in the wildlife and my latest idea was working on a cruise line.

What excited me about working on a cruise line was getting to travel around the world and doing exciting things but with every idea there is always complications and it's own negatives.

NOW,now NOWWWWW I am thinking about just about having a balanced lifestyle that will involve having a career in nursing which is the course I applied for in the beginning, hopefully starting a family in the future and being there with the family. Maybe a couple of dogs and other different animals like goldfish or turtles. I am not someone who has to go out every single friday or saturday night....I like to stay more because that it my comfort zone, I guess but I also like to go out now and again.

Ohh, I will start reading novels more now, I went to the library today and I got three books, so when I get to reading them I will do a review. Also I want to travel and if I am lucky enough to live until I am 40 or 50 and in good health then I have all that time to go on holiday and visit one place a year or two and that way I will see the world and also have a career, and be with loved ones...That's why I named this a healthy balanced lifestyle.

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