Saturday 31 December 2016

Leaving 2016 Behind

This is the last of 2016 for me and I feel like a lot has happened and not much has happened to me. I think the most fundamental thing that has happened to me this year is the fact that I have graduated. I think from January to May it was all about doing coursework and attending lectures whilst also revising for exams. It was stressful and my life become consumed with education, I cried and I laughed and I did all nighters after all nighters.

But it all came to an and and I did my last exam and packed my belongings before leaving the city that treasures all my university memories. I moved back home and I was nervous about results so I practically did nothing and then I got my results and everyone I knew had the same things.

I graduated and walked down in front of everyone and got my certificate. Ahh, such a proud moment because I feel like primary school, high school, college and university (for me two universities) lead up to that moment and with the pictures taken I just felt as though I was free. I didn't feel it though, I was energetic and wanted to get a job in the field that I studied for, for 3 years but alas that didn't happen. I had rejections after rejections and it was disheartening so in September I started applying for admin jobs and I ended up getting a legal secretary job and it happened out of nowhere. Even the interview I did not think that I would get the job but it happened.

I think working for a small law firm I learnt a lot about running a business because I practically did a lot of everything in that law firm business side and it also made me really question what I wanted to do and what would make me happy in life. I found myself writing stories, editing video and building websites. I also realised that you know what I am actually pretty smart and I am not worthless and if I put my mind to anything I can do it.

Unfortunately, for reason's out of my control I have written a letter of resignation, I honestly thought that I could last at least 1 year but that didn't happen. I really hope the resignation is accepted and nothing bad happens from it and we can all move on. I am sad to be leaving because they are a few people that I work with that I adore and to be leaving makes me sad. However, it's out of my control.

2017 is in less than one hour now.

Hopes for the year:

I have concluded that I am not the working for others type of person, every job I have ever gotten I have not liked so this year:

1) I am going to learn how to web design and code. I want to be able to make as much as I made at my job by the end of the year.
2) I want a blog, a proper one where I do a lot of different things. I have contemplated if I should start this or not and I think that I will start a blog. It would have been ideal to have had it up and running on the 1st of January but I will have it up in 1 week and if I can get at least 3000 daily views by the end of the year I will be happy. Small steps.
3) I want to be happy and at peace with myself. This year will be a year where I find my self.

Happy New Year.