Monday 15 July 2013

Easy by Tammara Webber book review

Author: Tammara Webber
Published: November 2012
This book was really hyped up and I was excited when I finally got it. It's a book that is easy to read and in the first pages you actually get wrapped up in it and it just flowed at the beginning. I still think everyone who likes a bit of romance should try it out.

Jackie- the main girl at the beginning I really liked her but a little thing that annoyed me that the author made her repeat what had happened before numerous times, and I'm like I have just read this why is she summarising the same stuff every 2 chapters.

Lucas- I thought he was too quiet and didn't really say much at all, like at the end of the book it was all about him but at the beginning I just didn't fall for him. At the beginning he was just the three liner creepy guy who stared at her all the time. OR a reserved mysterious guy with a lip piecing. I just wasn't really sold on him.

Let's just talk about the big one, in this book and it's not really a spoiler but there was kind of-off a rape situation going on and to me as a woman I think it's great to raise awareness on rape as it is a serious issue that many women face every day but I felt like the author was too much and it felt more dragged on and I didn't feel emotional or sad. Just annoyed that it was dragged on from the beginning to the end with irrelevant shit. Like the last time it happened, if you have read this you will know. I read the page and I was like what "Deja vu," is this author seriously doing this again. I rolled my eyes, laughed and carried on the hot mess of an ending this book was.

One thing I didn't like was how unoriginal this book was like really what did she come up with on her own....Nothing was original in this book at all. First, let's talk about Kennedy who was the ex and he broke up with her and wanted to sleep around and then he.....( I will let you fill that predictable blank) Also, the guy is always really really hot and all the girls love him. Like really.

Their relationship was slow I think, he didn't really force himself on her like other bf's in books. Which I liked and the ending for me was really bad. I starting skimming through the last 100 pages, I think. Just to finish it. Lucas’s whole dark secret was really, dull. I didn’t feel anything for that story…

I know they are very predictable books but if the characters and the scenes are good that the book will be amazing but this book for me lacked originality and the characters were "Meh." It was very bland for my taste.

But I would still recommend it because if you haven't read romance books like beautiful creature, Vincent boys and more like that you might actually enjoy this book like many did. But for me was a great attempt but many have done it before and better.

Thursday 4 July 2013

I want to lose 20 pounds - Before the beginning

I have decided that I want to lose 20 pounds the healthy way. I know I have just done a post about loving being plus size and all that but wait a minute.....I don't want to be size 8 (uk) or even size ten or whatever...I love the way I look honestly, I just want to tighten  it up. These thighs, it's not on. But seriously, it will always be something on my mind and I want to finally beat this once and for all.

Previous failed diets: I feel it's important to talk about my previous diets because that can help me now. I have done calorie counting, manually, weighing everything and still weighing but putting everything on an app. I don't go to the gym and it's too much effort to go running...sorry just being honest. I usually workout using dvd's and I have lost weight in the past.

Why I have failed? The most successful diet I was on I lost 11 pounds and the main reasons why I stopped was started a fruit diet and a sprained my ankle doing a Julian dvd. Other times I feel like I lacked determination. I can start a diet easily but it's just going through the tides, the good, bad and hard. Just persevering and carrying on is just hard for some reason.

Why 20 pounds? Before I have always said I wanted to have a healthy BMI, to be 140Ib and at my previous weight that meant losing 40 pounds to reach that goal. This time I just want to lose 20Ib and that's it. I feel like maybe they will be less pressure from me. Also I will be away from the 200 mark, I am very close to hitting it and I don't want that.

What are you going to do similar to your previous diets? I am going to do a diet plan which is very basic where you have:

5+ Fruits and vegetables
2/3 Protein rich foods (meat, eggs, ham, peanut butter...)
2 Dairy rich foods (yogurts, milk, cheese...)
2/3 Carb rich foods (potatoes, bread, rice, noodles...)
0 amount of junk food.
 1/ 1 1/2 litres of water

That's it, it doesn't restrict me on a lot and at the end of the day I will just write down what I eat and now and again I will try to post updates on here.

What are your exercise plans? Same as last time I will do workout dvd's. I will do Davina superbody and pussycat dolls dvd's 1 and 2. ( I might do reviews on those because, I love them so much. ) I am going to work out three times a week.

Which will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If I go shopping, walking for hours, especially when I go to London all day. I count that as a workout.

How often are you going to weigh yourself? Once a week and I am going to weigh myself every Tuesday, just to spice things up. I weigh myself in the morning before I eat.

What do you expect to lose each week and when do you think you will reach your goal? Honestly, I have no idea when I will reach the goal. And they say that you should lose 1Ib or 2Ib a week. To me if I lose 0.2Ib in a week and the next week I lose 0.4 more on top of what I had previously lost then I will be happy. I am not racing anyone, am I?

What are my expectations when I reach my goal? If I actually do this and reach my goal to lose 20Ib. That would be an amazing accomplishment for me and I know that my body will be a lot more toned than it is now and secretly I would love to be back to being a solid size 16 and to be as far away from the 200 mark. This is me being honest, some people say it's about being healthy and fit but I do care about that but the first points are what I really feel.

When is the start date? Monday 8th July 2013 ......Starting isn't hard it's sticking with it and I hope I stick with it and reach that 20Ib goal. Wish me luck.....

Plus Sized and Curvy is Beautiful TOO- Part 3 - Acceptance

It has been three years since I have done this. This post is basically going to be about acceptance because many of us cannot be happy with our bodies, skinny girls might complain about having small boobs (unless they get surgery) but it could be you might think your arms, legs, stomach face is too big or too small. No one is perfect and in a way I have come to accept that. I will never look like Rihanna or Beyonce and strangely enough I am fine with that.

Body image- All over from the television, magazines, music, celebrities and even our families and friends it is seen as skinny (size 8-12) is the only size that is beautiful and why most of us want to be size 8 is because we believe that losing all that weight will result in a life changing experience. The branding and marketing is amazing. I have fallen for it so many times and...

When you fall for it you imagine yourself in that person's body and you don't even notice your own.

Anyways, it took me a long time to realise that I am actually quite sexy...ohmygoshh...But I think that I am beautiful and have some good features. I love my stomach, I don't have washboard abs but it's actually quite curvy and flat....I do have a bit of love handles but I still love my stomach.

I used to hate showing my legs because I always thought that I had massive calves....but now I wear skirts and dresses and all that good stuff and I think it was probably what I wore because now I am shopping and wearing fashionable clothes and tight stuff that works for my figure (not me after I drop a dress size.) I actually went shopping today and I am mostly a size 18 (uk), nooo. I have been a size 16 for like 5 years.

But no matter what size when I go out I will look amazing, no one knows my size except me and maybe the clerk but will they remember my face,noo. If you look good, feel good. That's all that matters. Pow.

In all I am just taking care of myself, my hair's done, nails done, clothes and shoes on point. It's the little things that make a difference and before I never used to make an effort and I would think that it would magically transform me into a princess...but in reality we have to make the changes ourselves and have fun whilst doing it.

I don't even know what this post is about but just learn to love yourself and if you don't like what you see, accept it and the change will come.