Friday 13 July 2012

How to get a Job, I have a job.

For a couple of months now I have been looking for a job and with a big fail on it. I had just left university and at first I had it in my head that if I apply the jobs will be just be waiting for me but after a month of applying now and then. I went on the job seekers....I didn't want to go it at first but then I went. My personal advisor was very nice and I went to some course and then I went to jobseekers once every two weeks to sign in. I didn't enjoy signing in but I did it anyways and it was another excuse to get out of the house. I always went shopping or to jobseekers. Now I was applying for jobs every day, doing my cv again and again but I had two problems. One I didn't have that much experience and two my references were a bit of a problem.

So I wanted to do a course and then I failed to pass the tests and I had to see my personal advisor again she sent my CV to someone and then they phoned me three days later. Asked what work experience I was looking for and I said Admin. Then the next day I had an interview for work experience. When I went there the woman was nice and it was an informal interview. There were 4 people interviewing and only 2 got it. I was one of them. After being rejected it was some good news and I started the following week. I had never worked in an office before but it sure was great to do so.

It was an 8 week placement and today was my last day working for free. I have to admit it has been up's and down but mainly up but I did it and this Wednesday I found out I had a job. I was excited and happy. I will be working the full 8 hours a day and getting paid. This will be my first job that I will get paid in and the money is driving me insane. I want to do so much stuff with the money like get a car and start driving. Get an iPhone....and sooo much more. Plus even though I don't like waking up early and I love my days off. I will never forget that feeling of feeling useless that I felt when I was unemployed. Plus, I have gained a skill that will give me an advantage when looking for jobs next time.

I have my first job and it feels so good. Woah!!