Monday 11 February 2019

Deciding to become self-employed after 2 years of getting rejections

Today I have made the decision to put my efforts into starting my own business and becoming self-employed. I have been applying for jobs for 2 years and I am still unemployed. I have done 2 internships in the last 6 months and still nothing. I am currently doing free work experience at a big travel company and I look at some of the white people who have jobs but they can't even do them properly and I wonder to myself how did they get this job.

Then there is me who did everything right, went all the way to university and graduated in the hopes to get a job. Worked for free and still nothing. The only time someone asks me to come for an interview is when they barely look at the CV and then when I go to the interview I end up getting rejected. End up feeling that I am less than human. And I have done this for 2 years and you know what I am tired of letting nobodies dictate how I feel about myself. They don't want to hire me fine, who needs them I will just work for myself and make a living.

I am a smart black woman with drive and ambition.

I already have a few ideas running through my head and now I have the will to do it. I don't have a backup. It's this or nothing. They are crackheads, alcoholics, rappers and strippers not caring about getting a job. I guess I am going to join them. I know it will be hard but at least if I put effort into it. They will some progress instead of me applying to jobs for another year and still being unemployed and having absolutely nothing to show for it.

I'm going to risk it. For the first time in my life I am going to take this chance. Wish me luck!