Thursday 21 January 2021

I just googled is it normal to cry alot because of work

 I just googled, is it normal to cry a lot because of work. I have been working at my place for almost 2 years now and the people have made me cry more than a dozen times or more. I feel like crying now.

I work sooo hard and I try my best there. I like the work, I like accounts and figuring that out but the people there are horrid and I'm tired. Even if I work really hard and I try my best their always trying to make me feel small, make me feel as though I made a mistake or I did this wrong and sometimes it's just tiring. 

I am just tired. I cry and I put up with it because of money. They have all this power to affect me like this because of money.

Adulthood sucks or maybe it's just the toxic environment I work at.

The thing with me is if I were to find a place to work at I would settle and stay there but this place. I know it will only be a matter of time until it becomes too much for me and I really don't want to walk out and then go back to being unemployed. 

Covid hasn't really helped me in terms of me now looking for a new job but I need to use them being toxic as a way to motivate me into finding a new job. I can't take anymore of this.

I am so tired. 

Also, sometimes I want to just be self-employed because then I don't have to deal with toxic people and I can just do my own thing. But I need the motivation for that. But I want to try. 

If I can search for a job and also try to think up business ideas or things that could bring in income or even learning a new skill then I will be happy.

But all I know is 2021 I am leaving this place, even if I have to travel long I will do so. 

I have learnt alot, I am grateful for the experience but this is now the time for me to man up and look for better things.