Thursday 31 October 2013

Bad Girls Club - Season 11X11 - TV review

Bad girls club, I just thought I vent about this show. I have watched maybe 5 or 6 seasons and also the allstar one.

Honestly, this has to be the worst season I have ever seen because I don't believe there is one bad girl in there. Every replacement I am always like, is she a bad girl, no, is she a bad girl, No. Which sucks, I feel like the main girls are very boring and insecure in many ways and most of the fights are for no reason what so ever and it's more of a bullying type of situation than anything else.

I hate bully's with a passion and it makes me sad when they pick on one girl and all the other girls don't do anything because their afraid they will be picked on next. So no one does anything until the girl leaves and is replaced. In other seasons there is always that one girl who doesn't follow the pack and sticks up for the lonely girl and here there wasn't that.

Like with Janelle they hated her from the get go and I think it's because she looked better than Tiana and Jasmine and they were jeolous of her. And Janelle never really did anything to them she just reacted and when she something back they would jump on it and it was just pathetic. They looked so sad. Not bad girls at all.

When Janelle left they were straight onto Nae and I would feel sorry for her but she was sitting back no she joined in when they picked on Janelle for no reason and as soon as she left they were straight onto her and everyone could see it. The difference is there really was no reason to hate her. Their just born bullies. Which is sad and pathetic.

Hopefully, they screen these girls better next time cos this is a mess. Wow, there have been soooo many replacements it's crazy.