Thursday 23 July 2015

Summer holiday before third year of university

I am enjoying my summer holiday by doing nothing, catching up on TV shows, trying my hand at learning how to make a website and just relaxing.

It's crazy when I look back at some of my posts to when I finished college, went to university for the first time dropped out and then when I went back to university again. Going back to university again gave me a whole new life, a purpose, new friends and I like that. Believe it or not I have grown and now I am ready to start the final year of my uni experience probably at the worst position ever. Somehow I feel like that's what I wanted. I wanted a challenge.

I look at myself with accounting, it's always there, I am always pushing it away and I think about my internship and how much I hated that place and I guess the feeling was mutual but I survived it, I woke up everyday and I went. I am not going to lie and say that it didn't discourage me by a lot to even be an accountant but as I hated the people soooo much but after some thoughts I am not going to give up on my dreams and hopes.

I want to be an accountant, I am actually good at what I do and I know that if I really put my mind in it I can be an accountant but I have messed it up for my self and if I do manage to get a graduate scheme then it will be a miracle.