Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year and Cold feet

1st January 2011, how do I feel about it…am I making New Year’s resolutions and partying all night long? No! I am glad that 2010 is over but what makes 2011 different from 2010 it’s just a period of days that have finished you will have to go to work at the same place, see the same people as you did in 2010. New Year’s Day was boring, waking up…eating, internet, washing the dishes and cooking then sitting down and watching the good old television.

As I was watching the television with about 3 pairs of socks on and ugg boots on plus with the heating blazing hot. My body was warm but my feet were cold and this has been going on for 2 months now…I am the sort of person that likes to walk around without any socks in the house but this is what I was reduced to.

Anyways, I got curious of what the problem could be so I went online and goggled “why are my feet always cold,” and I got an answer and someone said that it could be because of is no/ lack of circulation in my feet, which seems pretty accurate and one good suggestion was putting your feet in a bucket of water. And that’s what I went and did.

As you can see from above that was my bucket and towel. Nothing fancy, hahaha. At first I cleaned the bucket and then put hot water from the tap whilst the jug boiled and then I placed my legs one at a time into the bucket of hot water and then I dried it off. I repeated it again after the hot water had boiled in the jug. The water was so hot though I had to add some cold water and then I placed my feet in the bucket again. I also massaged my feet and it was relaxing and it felt good. In addition, it has been a couple of hours now and my feet are nice and warm but I do have a pair of socks on.

So that’s the way I solved the problem of having cold feet, literally….

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