Saturday 12 January 2019

2019: What I want to achieve

It's already 12 of January, time really flies. I don't want it to be 2020 and I am in the same place, unemployed and crying about it.

Career plan -

My plan for 2019 is too get a job, this can be anything. I just need to stop claiming.

I also want to complete my AAT qualifications this year.

This will all help me to become more likely to get into an accounting graduate scheme. I told myself that this will be the last year I will be applying for graduate schemes, if I fail this year then I will give up for good and accept that that is not the path for me.

Right now, I have an interview with a supermarket for a store assistant type of job. I know it's below wanting to become an accountant but I feel as though that experience will benefit me. My only issues is, will I be fit enough to do that type of job. or will I even get that type of job.

Also, I had an interview on friday for a work experience opportunity at a massive travel company. It will be for 8 weeks and after that I might not even get a job. In my heart, after going there I wasn't really interested, it seems like a place that wouldn't be a fit for me, they all seemed fake. But if I get it, I will go and see, it will look good on my CV and you never know.

But if I don't go I will go to the supermarket one, just so that I know if I would have gotten it or not. I can't deal with regrets in my life.

I will also buy some new AAT books, so that I have a fresh new start. I also want to see about Sage, I might call them to see what they say.


Web development, I had a website and I created fansites for people, I was doing it for free, but I just got bored of it because I could create wordpress themes and there was no challenge even though I knew I still had a lot to learn so I opted to cancel everything and just stop that.

The goal of this year is to create a mobile blogger website and also a mobile app and get it live. I need to start working on that.


Korean, I feel as though I have gone backwards, I am realising that learning a new language is like watering a plant if you stop it will die. I need to be more consistent with this.

I want to buy a korean book, maybe having something in person instead of on a computer will help me.


I want to create a weight-loss blog. I am still thinking about it. I want it to document my experience but also to write little dribbles of life losing weight and stuff. I have been thinking about it and I feel as though this could also be something where I could end up with a career for. So, it's all still a thought process, will see.


Stock trade, that is also something that I have thought about and this year I want to try it out and see if it something for me or not.

So, I will get some books first and then take it from there.


A goal of 2019 is to be healthy and happy and give it my all. Don't stress unnecessarily.

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