Tuesday 26 April 2011

Losing weight will make you look older- Nigella Lawson vs Gillian McKeith

In the society we live in losing weight is potrayed as the key to everything...Love, health...happieness and even youth. But that is not what Nigella Lawson thinks...

The 51-year-old is convinced that her voluptuous physique keeps her looking young and claims that she would ‘age ten years straightaway’ if she lost weight.

And she insists she is happy with what she sees in the mirror

She said: ‘Of course, I have moments of doubt. All women have times thinking, “My God, I can’t go out, my hips are so big today!”

I’ve got no desire to go below it. If I lost 40lb, I would age ten years straightaway. That’s my excuse!

‘But you know women find it very easy to persecute themselves over their weight and whenever I’ve said, “I ought to lose a bit of weight,” I can guarantee I’ll put it on.

‘I love food and I love cooking so therefore I never deprive myself. Thinness is fantastic for clothes, but I don’t do fashion.’

I have to agree with her for the majority of women not all but the majority they will thrive to be thin or slim because they want to look great in clothes and basically it about fashion.

In contrast we have Gillian Mckeith who I remember I used to watch her show "You are what you eat." And I used to listen to what Gillian said and take notes but now I look at the show and think how I could have used my time wisely instead of listening to what this women was saying....Yes this is the same 52 year old who claimed she was pregnant on I'm a celebrity get me out of here. Makes you question a lot of things she says.

Nigella Lawson and Gillian Mckeith are both 52 years old and both their careers and what made them famous was about food. The difference was Nigella has a cook show and she makes beautiful food and Gillian went around telling people that what they ate was wrong and that they should eat this and that...

At the end of all of this, if I was 52 I would rather look like Nigella than Gillian because Nigella looks 40 years and Gillian looks like she's in her late 60's. If I was 50 years old and plus the last thing I would want to do is to be counting the calories and hitting the gym with the 20 year olds.


  1. How many women you know (that most probably eat like Nigella) look or looked like her in their 50's? It's genetics there. she was defenetly very blessed. Look how she holds her breast and hips. The comparison is so badly made. Only on an experiment with identical twins you could see the effect of nutrition. A contra example for Nigella is Jane Fonda… look how great she looks in her 70’s.

  2. And have you seen Rachel Welch at 71? Google it. She's unbelievable.

  3. They say aging is only partly genetics. I know a recent study said skin aging is only 20% genetics.

    That said, it's unfair to compare any woman to Nigella. she's aging unnaturally well. Even with lack of sun exposure, the extra pounds to plump the skin and professional grooming. I mean, really!

    Gillian is also an extreme example of premature aging. But then, her whole spiel is that her methodology (and apparently, she's made millions in the UK pretending to be a doctor) is that it will forestall aging, so calling her on it is within reason if her methods don't work.
