Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Beyonce- 4 Album Review

RATE: ★★★★★
Songs: 13
Artist: Beyonce Knowles

So after seeing her Glastonbury performance and I liked some of her news songs so I thought I would go and buy her album “4.” So here is the review.

1) 1+1 – This song is a beautiful love song and I like it.

2) I care- I really like this song, it grows on you.

3) I miss you- Another good song, I really like her voice and the different ranges it goes into and the beat as well. Good song

4) Best thing I never had- One of my favourites because if you have ever had a crash and that person shut you down, you can so relate to this song because it was truly the best thing I never had. Also her voice sounds amazing and it’s a good to sing along to.

5)Party- This is probably my favourite or one of my favourite songs on this album, I love the slow jam/ 90’s Rnb kind of feel to it that it has…I have had this on reply for some time and it never gets old.

6) Rather die young- This is probably the worst song in the album for me, but that’s just me.

7) Start over- I like this song, I can relate to it and the lyrics and the messages on this is so strong like her voice on this song. Good song.

8) Love On top- This is also one of my favourite songs and I love it because it will make you dance, it’s such an upbeat, groovy, soulful song.

9) Countdown- Not really feeling this song, it’s upbeat but I don’t really like it. It has a bit of a reggae feel to it.

10) End of time- Probably the best dance track in this album in my opinion, love this song.

11) I was here- Best balled in this album hands down, it is really emotional but a good song as well.

12) Run this world (Girls)- Honestly this should not have been her first single because there are so many better songs in this album but it’s not a bad song, sometimes I find myself dancing to it.

All in all I would have to say it is an amazing album and to follow up I am Sasha fierce is very hard because that was an all-round great album but I really like the route that Beyoncé took with this album because it’s not a pop/dance/techno album it’s more about ballads, Rnb and soul album. Also her voice and the lyrics are amazing and it’s a solid album that I feel I will still be listening to in ten years’ time, she really took a risk because the music now is about dance music and auto tune, which I think is horrible but people still buy it. It’s like she went back ten/ twenty years’ time and made a heartfelt/ meaningful and beautiful album, which is very rare.

Would I recommend it?? Yes, I would recommend it but if you are looking for dance/techno songs then this album is not for you…but otherwise GET IT.

Beyonce Headlining Glastonbury 2011 Review

Hate her or love her I feel like if anyone actually sat down and watched her perform they would have been blown away like I was. I would have to say this is her best performance ever.

There was some dancing which was on point through-out and she was wearing heels, like it's hard for some people to even walk in heels but she was dancing and everything for almost two hours. Also her singing was amazing, especially when she sang halo, 1+1 and the best I never had.

Now a days it's very rare to see a person actually sing live with a live band, without auto tune and is not lip-singing. It is very rare and also you could see the raw emotions and how energetic she was because I would be so tired but her drive, energy and passion was amazing and on top.

In my opinion she is the nearest performer to even touch what MJ was like. It was amazing because there were moments when you were like WOW. It was crazy.

One of my favourite moments:

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Jennifer Hudson - No One Gonna Love You- Official Music Video Review

Honestly, after dream girls and the first spotlight I had categorised Jennifer as a boring artist...I love Rnb music but now a days Rnb artists are usually really boring and putting out boring music or their doing this pop/dance/ techno music. Unlike a decade or two decades ago when Rnb artists like boyz to men, Whitney Houston and soo much more would make amazing, interesting, powerful music and videos.

But then today I saw Jennifer Hudson’s video, I gave it a try and I was surprised because it had some acting, a bit dancing, a story line...the video was cute and I actually like the song. This is a plus one for J-hud and for Rnb artists...and it also shows you that an artist can be fully dressed and still make a video look good.

Peep the video below:

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Last Day of College Today

Woow, it was my last day of Sixth Form College today and it's actually hit me that it's over, 2 years is gone. I can still remember my first day, I was so scared but yet so naive. In high school you think you know it all but you don't really know anything but then as I started to go to college I started to learn more about me and life in this big world. I know I still have a lot more to learn in the years to come but I am glad I went there even though I complained about it sometimes,lol.

Best memories about college were the amazing new people that I met there, I learnt more about other cultures and some beliefs that people have. Having jokes and fun times with other people. How I will miss them, weird how people come in to your life but then when you see them on the last day you think "I might never see this person ever again."

Many people pass through your life, either for a minute, a month or 2 years but your family will always be there.

As they say, as one door closes another one opens and I guess my next door will either be university were I will be going next year or something else, if I find it,lol. I used to see University as something that was sooo far away but now here I am going, I am a bit scared, the experience of not knowing is what makes it worse.

Anyways, I want to relax and enjoy the summer, these two years have had their goods and their bads but I feel like I had to go through it to become a better person and learn more about myself in the process.

My last day of college – 21/06/2011

Thursday, 16 June 2011

A Rainy Summer Day

So today I had an exam which lasted for about 2 hours and in the morning it was a bit cloudy but I didn't think to bring an umbrella, in my mind it never occurred that it would actually rain before I got back home. ( How stupid I was)

I got a lift to college and it was raining a little bit and then I did my exam and after two hours it was still raining but still just a little bit, not heavy rain. So here I am no umbrella, no hoody jumper or a scarf to put over my head. I think to myself should I wait 25 minutes for a bus in the rain or should I walk and save some money. Guess what I decided, I saved some money and at first I was walking really fast but then the rain calmed down and my pace started to slow down; around the same time the bus went past me.

But at that moment I was already half way through my journey anyways so it didn't bother me but then the rain started to get worse and worse, I was walking through the park at that time and I was like the only person there so I started running. That’s my exercise for today done,lol but seriously the rain just wouldn't stop and there I was moving in the trees hoping it wouldn't be so bad.

At this time I had a jacket and top inside and I thought of removing my jacket and placing it on top of my head but when I tried to do it I felt cold so I just carried on walking, my hair became wet and rain drops began to drip onto my face. I had to wipe my face with my jumper sleeve in an attempt to try and not to look so wet. Somehow I felt embarrassed all those people in their nice dry cars passing me, people in umbrella and hoody and here I was with nothing.

It's so weird because as soon as I got in door the clouds cleared up and there's no more rain. Now I don't know if I love or hate the rain. I know it’s not that serious but I just thought I would write this down for memories in the future.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Marsha Ambrosius - Late Nights & Early Mornings Official Music Video

I didn't really know who she was and to me she is a new artist but I love her voice on this song and the song is very soulful and sweet,lol. But anyways, the video. I really like the message that this video has and it's something that a lot of artists and the media don't really want to talk about. They would rather glamorous sex, violence instead.

The message in this video is about STI's especially HIV and how not using protection even that one time, that one minute could change your life. You cannot tell if a person has it shoot sometimes people will have it for a long time and not know they have it. Really good message about the reality of having unprotected sex and I hope that this video will make more people think before doing anything they might end up regretting.

Peep the video below:

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Beauty Tip: How to get rid of Spots or Acne

I am going to talk about three ways and things that I do to get rid of my spots.

1) Popping the spots

It surprises me that a lot of people don't pop their spots, when I started getting spots, I remember my mother telling me when I had a massive spot on my face and that I should pop it and as the years went by it's just something that I do.

But to some people popping you're spots is really bad, like my friend she had a massive spot on her nose and you could see the yellow stuff coming out and she was talking about "yeah, I put some oil on it and all this." That really surprised me that people would put oil on it instead of just popping the pimple and then their surprised when the pimple doesn’t subside after putting oil on it.

So I did some research and some people don't pop the pimples on their face because it will cause scarring but I have been popping mine for years now, my mother as well and we both don’t have any scarring. From talking to people in real life and seeing what has happened to my friends. One got bad scarring when she scratched her spots, I don't know why she did that but she did but a few months later they were gone. Also I have noticed that if you leave a spot/pimple for a long time then it will grow and then fade away but they will be a scar but that will also go away after some time.

You should find the right time to pop you spots and that is when the yellow/white stuff is visible or when you touch the spot it fills full...and that way in a day or so after popping the pimple you won't even know that there was even a pimple because walking around with a massive pimple on your nose with visible yellow stuff is not a good look at all and you should definitely pop/ squeeze it because the pus has to go somewhere, it's not right that it goes back into your body.

2)Egg Mask

This is probably the best way to get rid of your spots, acne or pimples because right after you have done the egg mask you can see and feel the difference. Also you only need an egg and if you don't have one in your home right now then it will only cost like hardly anything to buy some. If you are allergic to eggs then this is not advisable but if you are not allergic I would give it a try.

I try to do the egg mask once a week when my skin is really bad but if my skin is clear then I don't do it. I use ordinary eggs not organic and it still does the same thing. I am going to post a video below that will show you how to do it and hopefully you will try it out and see the difference instantly.

Peep Egg Mask Tutorial video Below:

3) St.Ives Apricot Scrub

I have been using this scrub for a long time now because it really works, I have tried so many other products like Clearasil and all those products but they would work the first week or so and then nothing.

This product works because it has these rocks, sand things, i don't know that you can really feel when you are scrubbing your face and when you are done and you have washed your face you can really feel the difference and that is probably why this product is number 1 in the UK. It lasts really long as well, which is good because I don't want to be going into town to buy the same product very week or so.

I tend to use the apricot scrub three times a week and it still does the trick even after all these years.

So those are three things that I use to get rid of my spots/acne and hopefully one of them or three of them will help you to have a clearer face.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Summer Time Wearing a Skirt with Big Calves

The sun is truly out and I want to enjoy it. I have big calves and before I used to wish I didn’t have them but now I feel like I love my body from my hair to my toes more than I did when I was dieting and all that… I wanted to be someone else not me and I wanted to be a skinny person who could wear short, shorts and a white vest and look great but as I yearned for that body I started to hate this body and that’s not good for your mental state at all.

Today as I was going to wash my hair I was like I am going to wear a skirt, no leggings, no tights just a skirt, I bought two skirts when last year but I have only worn one once but with tights…Their just cute summer skirts. So I shaved my legs, put lotion on them and then we went outside to the garden and enjoyed the sun…It was actually really fun and I felt so girly and free.

I even saw my neighbours and it was just normal, had a good chat and I forgot my worries and fears of not wearing skirt. It’s fun, it feels good and it’s baby steps,lol. I don’t have to be a size 10/ size 2 whatever, to wear a skirt/ dress and feel good. It’s a shame that I have been hiding myself in all these clothes and I have gotten myself brainwashed into thinking that your legs have to be this small to look good.

It’s weird though because a year ago I would have never thought I would feel this positively about my body because is the time many women would be exercising and dieting because they want to look good for the summer and I guarantee you that I would have been one of those women also exercising like mad. But now I don’t care, I just want to enjoy the moment, have fun and as I do these little things like wearing a skirt without no tights, leggings. To someone else it’s nothing but to me it’s a big step for me for my confidence and the relationship I have with my body.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Rihanna- Man Down Official Video Review

I have just viewed Rihanna's new video Man down and wow, the beginning when she shoots the man, I didn't think they would show that in the video but they did and I am glad. Then the whole video goes by and it's beautiful and nice. You get to see the easy life and beauty of Jamaica. Then the club scene comes which is followed by the rape, which I think was done amazingly. Like I feel tense and like shocked when I saw it. Her acting skills are there and it really surprised me.

I think she is growing as an artist and this video hits a raw point were the society doesn't like to talk or even see these scenes and would rather be oblivious of them and I am so surprised that Rihanna and her people did a video about this and the song is amazing, my personal favourite from the album and the video was a real surprise, it had a clear story. Like then I think about Beyonce's run this town video and I would actually put Rihanna as the better artist now because Beyonce danced her way on that video but there was no meaning, story or anything but dancing and that got old after a few days but Rihanna's video, it had substance, I guess is the word.

Peep the video below:

90210 Season 3 Finale Review (Spoiler Alert)

I am a big fan of 90210 and I have watched the first season and I have just finished watching season 3 finale. This season has been good overall; there was the whole Naomi rape thing with the teacher which was very fascinating. Then there was the Teddy being Gay storyline, which I thought was interesting because it makes you understand about Gay people and them accepting who they are. Then there was the Ade and her singing career and Silver and Navid getting together as well....and her revenge on them. Then Ivy and Raj...Plus Annie's crazy cousin.


Season finale review:

First off, I love Naomi and Max together as a couple because his different from all the other guys in the show and their cute together. But the previous episode they were caught cheating on a paper and Naomi saves Max from being expelled and says it was her who did it...But then on graduation in front of everyone he says I cheated not Naomi, which I think is really stupid...Because she was already expelled...he doesn't gain anything from saying it like really Max and you are supposed to be smart. Then his parents think she is a bad influence on him so his moving to Cambridge (london) and I’m like really now, if he loved her enough to get expelled why can't he tell his parents no I love Naomi, I am not going at least be a man, he is 18 not 5. Then the only shock of the finale is Naomi getting pregnant, is this true or is this her just lying in order to make him stay. Who knows but I want them to stay together.

Ivy and Raj were the main characters in this episode with their wedding and I like them but it was a bit boring, no drama except the mother saying I don't approve, which is really pointless because we all knew she was going to change her mind anyways. Also I didn't feel the love and chemistry between them two that would make me go aww what a beautiful wedding. I just felt nothing for that wedding.

Then there was the whole Annie and Liam thing which I thought was pointless to it's self because he didn't want to go college and she was mad at him, which is very childish and what a surprise they made up in the end...Waste of time right there.

We come to the whole Silver, Navid, Ade situation, the build up was amazing but the way they found out, kicked her out and moved on....It seemed sooo rushed...that it took away the action. Then the way Navid and Silver made up like that it felt so rushed and forced. With Navid and Ade I saw the chemistry and love but when Silver and Navid made up it full on forced and rushed. And then the whole I am going to jump of the cliff, situation, I was like she is either going to jump or someone pushes her and we don't know who. Neither of my ideas worked and she walked away which was boring.
Ermm, I usually love all their episodes and season 1 and 2 finale's were Jaw dropping and shocking but I was kind-off disappointed with this one. It felt rushed and like the writer's didn't really put too much thought and effort into it. I expected soo much more. However, since their finished with high school, I am not really sure if they’re going to axe all the original’s and start off with new people, which would be a horrible idea. Or their going to follow them into Uni, jobs and all that. But I do hope that they keep Naomi there....they cannot replace her, she makes the show for me,lol....