Saturday 11 June 2011

Beauty Tip: How to get rid of Spots or Acne

I am going to talk about three ways and things that I do to get rid of my spots.

1) Popping the spots

It surprises me that a lot of people don't pop their spots, when I started getting spots, I remember my mother telling me when I had a massive spot on my face and that I should pop it and as the years went by it's just something that I do.

But to some people popping you're spots is really bad, like my friend she had a massive spot on her nose and you could see the yellow stuff coming out and she was talking about "yeah, I put some oil on it and all this." That really surprised me that people would put oil on it instead of just popping the pimple and then their surprised when the pimple doesn’t subside after putting oil on it.

So I did some research and some people don't pop the pimples on their face because it will cause scarring but I have been popping mine for years now, my mother as well and we both don’t have any scarring. From talking to people in real life and seeing what has happened to my friends. One got bad scarring when she scratched her spots, I don't know why she did that but she did but a few months later they were gone. Also I have noticed that if you leave a spot/pimple for a long time then it will grow and then fade away but they will be a scar but that will also go away after some time.

You should find the right time to pop you spots and that is when the yellow/white stuff is visible or when you touch the spot it fills full...and that way in a day or so after popping the pimple you won't even know that there was even a pimple because walking around with a massive pimple on your nose with visible yellow stuff is not a good look at all and you should definitely pop/ squeeze it because the pus has to go somewhere, it's not right that it goes back into your body.

2)Egg Mask

This is probably the best way to get rid of your spots, acne or pimples because right after you have done the egg mask you can see and feel the difference. Also you only need an egg and if you don't have one in your home right now then it will only cost like hardly anything to buy some. If you are allergic to eggs then this is not advisable but if you are not allergic I would give it a try.

I try to do the egg mask once a week when my skin is really bad but if my skin is clear then I don't do it. I use ordinary eggs not organic and it still does the same thing. I am going to post a video below that will show you how to do it and hopefully you will try it out and see the difference instantly.

Peep Egg Mask Tutorial video Below:

3) St.Ives Apricot Scrub

I have been using this scrub for a long time now because it really works, I have tried so many other products like Clearasil and all those products but they would work the first week or so and then nothing.

This product works because it has these rocks, sand things, i don't know that you can really feel when you are scrubbing your face and when you are done and you have washed your face you can really feel the difference and that is probably why this product is number 1 in the UK. It lasts really long as well, which is good because I don't want to be going into town to buy the same product very week or so.

I tend to use the apricot scrub three times a week and it still does the trick even after all these years.

So those are three things that I use to get rid of my spots/acne and hopefully one of them or three of them will help you to have a clearer face.

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