Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Losing weight will make you look older- Nigella Lawson vs Gillian McKeith

In the society we live in losing weight is potrayed as the key to everything...Love, health...happieness and even youth. But that is not what Nigella Lawson thinks...

The 51-year-old is convinced that her voluptuous physique keeps her looking young and claims that she would ‘age ten years straightaway’ if she lost weight.

And she insists she is happy with what she sees in the mirror

She said: ‘Of course, I have moments of doubt. All women have times thinking, “My God, I can’t go out, my hips are so big today!”

I’ve got no desire to go below it. If I lost 40lb, I would age ten years straightaway. That’s my excuse!

‘But you know women find it very easy to persecute themselves over their weight and whenever I’ve said, “I ought to lose a bit of weight,” I can guarantee I’ll put it on.

‘I love food and I love cooking so therefore I never deprive myself. Thinness is fantastic for clothes, but I don’t do fashion.’

I have to agree with her for the majority of women not all but the majority they will thrive to be thin or slim because they want to look great in clothes and basically it about fashion.

In contrast we have Gillian Mckeith who I remember I used to watch her show "You are what you eat." And I used to listen to what Gillian said and take notes but now I look at the show and think how I could have used my time wisely instead of listening to what this women was saying....Yes this is the same 52 year old who claimed she was pregnant on I'm a celebrity get me out of here. Makes you question a lot of things she says.

Nigella Lawson and Gillian Mckeith are both 52 years old and both their careers and what made them famous was about food. The difference was Nigella has a cook show and she makes beautiful food and Gillian went around telling people that what they ate was wrong and that they should eat this and that...

At the end of all of this, if I was 52 I would rather look like Nigella than Gillian because Nigella looks 40 years and Gillian looks like she's in her late 60's. If I was 50 years old and plus the last thing I would want to do is to be counting the calories and hitting the gym with the 20 year olds.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Plus Sized and Curvy is Beautiful TOO- Part 2 - Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham is a plus sized model and there was controversy and a double standards with an advert she did for lanebryant which fox and nbc wouldn't allow to air because it was too hot but there is so much more revealing things that we see on tv e.g victoria secrets and all these sexy purfume adverts. Makes you think did they not air it because it went against everything that they drumming on us that women should be only a certain size.

When I saw this I was wow, she looks good and she's not a size 0 or 2...whichever one.

There was video on the side bar on youtube and I clicked this video and something hit me...for the first time I looked at these skinny girls and I felt sorry for them...Like it's sad. I would rather have the body I have than look like any of these girls here...It's sad...that this society see's this as the only beauty of a women.

But you know what, I will never look like that nor will never want to look like that. I love my body even though I might have my up's and down's. I need to carry on embracing what I have and use it to my advantage.

Final video:

Here she talks about some of the things I have been saying...I feel like she's a good role model for bigger women as she shows them that they can be beautiful and be happy in their skin.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Plus Sized and Curvy is Beautiful TOO- Part 1 - Maggie Yumi Brown

Maggie Yumi Brown = Classy, Elegant and beautiful woman.

These past couple of days each brick that I built to help me feel good about my body and the way it is has just been knocked down one by one. In this society with the media and people’s general opinions on the fact that skinny is better it makes me feel like maybe I should exercise 3 hours a day and start dieting again. I see these women and their like I have lost weight and everyone is like ohh, she looks so good, blah, blah blah…Even though this is the third time she has lost the weight after gaining it again.

With the media it’s just non-stop skinny, skinny, skinny and it just kind of got to my head like I am not pretty unless I am a size 8/size 2 in the USA. Another thing is you feel like you can’t look good, you can’t wear this unless you become skinny, lose weight. Those are the thoughts that will make the cycle to begin again. Those thoughts of my body is not good enough, I need to be like this. It’s not good.
So I went online and I found something that showed me that you can be a size 14,16,18 whatever and still be beautiful and dress well…all those things. That’s why I am going to start this series of plus sized women with pictures, video…the whole shebang. For motivation because clearly the media is going the opposite way were the women are just getting smaller and smaller.

Ok, firstly, on my hunt I found out about Maggie Yumi Brown who is a plus sized model and what I love about her is her style and elegance. She looks like she owns her body and that gave me confidence to embrace my body and work with what I have.

Be Happy.

Enjoy your holiday.

Learn to love yourself before you can truely love others.

Be spontaneous and most of all feel good doing it.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Keyshia coles- Take me Away Official Music Video

Finally, I have found this song, I remember waiting to get picked up one day and then as I was standing there waiting someone in their car started playing this song. At first I didn't pay any attention to it but after some time I found myself singing along to the chorus...I only remembered this part of the song.

"I love my baby, I love my baby, ohhh."

So to my sounding I thought it was Mariah Carey, so I started youtubing and going on google but sadly nothing came up...obviously because I was searching the wrong artist. I even asked my friends about it and no one could recognise the song. But just now 2 months later I saw a link to this song and after taking a listen it hit me that this was the same song I had been searching for.

Funny how things turn out ehh....when you have forgotten about something it suddenly comes up out of nowhere.

Peep the song and video below:

Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Kindest Thing- Cath Staincliffe- Book Review

Pages: 261
Author:Cath Staincliffe
Published: April 2010

This book is very different from anything I have ever read in a while yet I found myself unable to put it down. I wanted to know what would happen. The story is basically about a women who assists in the killing of her husband as he has motor neurone disease. Which is a disease that has no treatment and would have left her husband unable to move nor even to swallow. This lead him to beg her to end his life peacefully.

But throughout the whole book it makes you wonder, if put in that situation where you loved someone so much that you wanted to spend every last minute with them even if in pain or you loved someone so much that you would answer to their beg for help and save them from undeniable pain that was to come. Did she do the right thing to assist to her husband’s murder? Is she truly a murderer even though it was out of love and death was already calling for him anyways? One to its own, life experiences and opinions vary from person to person.

Pro’s- Very good storyline…. I quite enjoyed the way this was written, throughout the book the author shifted from the past to the present. Linking the pieces to the puzzle one would say. This book also showed a light of such situations that neither of us would ever imagine being in, making us question what would we do if placed in her situation. The pace of the book was just right not rushing nor dwelling in pages of the same thing. I also found myself laughing at a number of times, the main character Deborah was in fact rather funny considering the situation she was in.

Cons- The ending I felt was kind of fizzled out and I felt they could have been more done to end the end the story with a better ending than the one that left me with questions about their family, her future and did they do this? Did they do that? Another thing if I think of it was it would have been more interesting to have heard more from the husband, what he thought, what he had said and how he felt. What caused the disease, why was he so persistent on ending his life on his own terms? Didn’t he want to spend every lasting second that he had with his family, even indulge in the pain? All these questions were left in air….Maybe it added mystery I don’t know.

Would I recommend it? Yes, aside from the minor exclusions pointed out above the story was well written and will also open your mind to things that you would not normally even think about. A very interesting read indeed.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Pregnant Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Naked in Ok Magazine

This is what Nick said on a radio show:

"My children are going to have to see these pictures… It’s a little weird.When they get older and their friends come over… they will see the pictures and say, ‘Your daddy’s butt naked!"

Aw, this is just too cute...I am happy for them and their family too come.

Available on OK magazine 19th April 2011.

Glee: Ashley Fink aka Lauran Zizes Representing

I remember when she was in the background I never really thought anything of her honestly. But when she joined the Glee club and there was a romance with her and Mark. And we actually started to learn more about her I just got so happy because she really does represent for those girls who are not seen as skinny or a size 2.

I love her attitude and her coinfedence about her body and who she is. She is like I am not desperate and you need to work for this jelly to in the show one of the cooler guys and that strong attitude and coinfedence is what makes him like her more and I like her even more because she's like this is my body like it or leave it...It's still gonna stay like this.

We need more people like her on our television because people are so brainwashed it's unbelieveable...She is beautiful and she is a great actress...She definatly is representing.

Peep this interesting interview below:

Monday, 11 April 2011

Nowhere to Belong- Harmony Brookes Book Review

Pages: 300
Author:Harmony Brookes
Genre: Autobiography

This book is a true story written by the author called Harmony Brookes. Here she talks about her horrible upbringing from not being wanted at birth to then being abused in ways unimaginable throughout her childhood and teenage years….

Pro’s- From the first paragraph you will be hooked onto this book, when I got the book I didn’t think this is what I would be getting and it was well written as well. You feel the pain and it’s shocking that someone could actually put someone else through all that. A child at that, it also showed me these things do happen and people will turn blind eye to it. Social workers, doctors, teachers even family.

Also it made me appreciate the childhood I was fortunate enough to have and the problems and things I worry about are nothing compared to what she and many other children I dread to think have to go through.

It’s really an eye opener and I believe will open your mind more not to just see what’s in front of you but to try to go deeper in search of why they might act like they do. Also in this story all she wanted was a person to be nice and treat her nicely and it makes me think about life and the people we might mean to, ignore or even laugh at, how will that affect their lives? What if you were that one person who was nice to them, who listened to what they said and actually asked questions like how are you? Or why are you mad?

I don’t know, I am just going on and on but it was a very interesting and eye opening book. It was quite vivid and explicit and I found myself shocked that a human can actually do that to a child….

Cons- I cannot fault this book but if you are quite sensitive then I would not recommend this.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Fainting on the First Day of my Period or due to Heat

Today something happened to me that has never happened before and it was so scary. As I was waiting to catch the bus, I could feel my stomach hurting but I knew this feeling it was due to my periods starting as these pains were period cramps. But as time went on it just got worse and worse....To the point were I found it very hard to even stand...I was thinking about going to sit down on the benches a distance away but then the bus came.

Then I was pushed aside by a obese man as he said "I was here first."
That was as much as I clearly remember, I gave the bus driver my return ticket then as I was walking through the bus I just felt so weird, and dizzy then everything went dark and I remember I could feel myself falling forwards to the ground. I blacked out.

The next thing I remember hearing was a person saying "Are you alright, Are you alright?" It took me a couple of seconds to get up and then as I proceeded to get up the bus driver came and was asking if he should call an ambulance. I said no as I just wanted to go home. The dizziness and that feeling I had before I fainted had gone but my stomach had not subsided. As I got to my stop, I had called a family member to pick me up and then drove us home.

After the fall one thing that I noticed was that my lips were dry. I did try to sleep when I got home but my stomach hurt so much it was impossible. Then I used a heat pad but that didn't help much....I had some cranberry juice ....even though it's not meant for period cramps it has helped to soften the pains and now I think I will be able to eat something....My appetite had gone when I came home even though I tried to eat some chocolate to give me sugar. But what really helped was Ibuprofen.

I don't really know the cause of this but I have two causes one being the heat from the sun....I was wearing a black leather jacket of which could have contributed and also the heat on my face. Secondly, it could have been because I was on my period...With the research I have done it is not uncommon to faint when on your period. Which I personally wouldn't have found out if this hadn't occured.

As this was my first time fainting and it was a scary experience I won't go to doctor as I have been advised not to since I have only fainted once but if this incident does occur again then I will definelty contact my GP. I will also try to have more iron rich foods, drink plenty of fluids when outside aswell in the future.

It really scared me and even now it gives me a weird feeling...remembering what happened.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Xscape- Who Can I Run to - Tiny T.I Wife

Guess what I ran into....As I switched to BET just to check if they had anything good on and I see this video and then I spot Tiny T.I's wife. She looked so beautiful and cute in this video...What happened? Also I have fallen in love with this song as I am also a fan of music back in the days...NOW that was good music. Now music is all about....urmmmm.....what is music now a days about??? Hmmm, I will let you ponder on that.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Kim Kardashian Says she Loves her Cellulite and Doesn't Wish to be a Size 0

When I think of Kim Kardashian not a lot of good things come to mind, which I need to work on but today I found something quite interesting about her or what she said about her body. She is a curvy women and she did an interview will British Cosmopolitan were she said she had cellulite and that she wasn’t a size 0 but she was very much happy with her body….She pigs out and has all these junk food but she also exercises…..Even though I am not on a diet I walk regularly because I enjoy it.

Here are snippets from her magazine interview with British Cosmopolitan which will be out on the 7th of April:

And Kim Kardashian said that she loves her curvaceous figure, couldn't care less whether she has cellulite and always finds time to pig out on ice-cream.

The reality TV star, 30, said she has never aspired to be a size zero and added that she 'couldn't care less' if she was a size 4 or a size 14.

'If I was stuck on a diet my whole life, I would be really miserable. I love to eat. If you can’t enjoy your life then what’s the point? You can’t torture yourself. I love Rice Krispies Treats, ice cream and frozen yogurt.

She said: 'Having a bunch of sisters is like built-in best friends. We pump each other up and compliment one another. I don’t agree with women judging other women when they don’t know them.

'It’s bad for the soul and your self-esteem. Nobody has the right to judge. Especially me! I don’t have a perfect body, so why would I be mean about someone else’s?'

If only there were more women out there who were proud of their body and didn’t make themselves miserable trying to be a size 0. Good on her.

((And look who is rocking the hot tights tonight....))

Friday, 1 April 2011

Why are people so judgemental e.g Towards Tiger woods, Chris brown and each other

This is a very important saying and to me it means one without sin should pass judgement but we all sin so on one should pass judgement.

Like Tiger woods and his situation, everyone and their mothers judged him and made fun of him and so forth and so on but I think to myself if this had happened at a time before all this media crazy society where every newspaper, celebrity shows and youtube people bashed him would we as a society be so judgemental...

To me I think because of the internet and more so all these websites like youtube for example and tmz people are much more judgemental and they don't have an open-mind to the whole story I guess or to even think and say to themselves...I have sinned and no one treated me like this but he sinned and I call him names and wish death upon him...

Is that right, what kind of twisted people are we becoming....Like Kanye west for example, people boo him and they said so many horrible things to him after the MTV thing but have you not ever sinned that you can say he is this and that....

I feel like the internet and all these social network things and these tabloid newspapers and magazines make us into people who are very judgemental and we don't have an open-mind anymore...We don't look beyond something.

I am not saying I am perfect nor I don't judge celebrities or people but I have been learning and opening my mind to being able to see past the many things that some people don't seem to see.