I think this is just pure laziness because they repeat "we found in love in a hopeless place," like a million times and every time the song finishes I actually thought that was the only thing she had said throughout the entire song. The reason why I believe that these artists or their writers or even the producers now a days are lazy is because half of the lyrics are “we found love in a hopeless place,” there is no bridge in the song, then there is about three instrumental breaks were there is no singing. I am guessing there are about 45 to 60 seconds on the instrumentals on a song that is 3:36 minutes long. Is that even a song....and don’t get me wrong I love songs with instrumentals but three time though….come on now.
Also if this was Keisha or whoever I would like ok, next. But this is Rihanna and this is her 6th Album and to be honest from the first album to the last she has always changed it up and had been of a different class to most artists. Even loud was a good album, I liked "Only girl, What’s my name," and all the other songs but this song feels like it was meant to be on loud and me personally I thought she would change it up but I guess I was wrong.
I don't mind dance songs but at this moment they are so many and they all sound similar to me and We found love isn't special or different from anything I hear now which is disappointing to be honest. She has always delivered with her music and I hope this isn't the first time that I actually don't like her singles or album.
I do feel like it's rushed as well because her video for cheers has just been released and now this song is out. Most people won't probably realise that it's for a new album. But she has her crazy fans that will buy a million copies and request her song on the radio even if they don't like it but that's sad if I was an artist who had been given a voice like hers and a platform to make timeless music that will be listened to from England to China I would work really hard to make music that would touch peoples heart from all walks of life not just making music for the sake of making a sale. But that's what the music world has come to now. MONEY!!
Overall, I don't really like this single and it is fairly boring and disappointing but trust they will be people who will love this song and it will probably be another number 1 for Rihanna but I wish her well and will see.
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