Saturday 12 March 2011

Buying a dog Online - Scams

I have been in search of a dog for some time now and I wanted to inform anyone thinking or looking for a dog online about the scams and how to spot they are scams.

1) Location, If you apply to an ad in london and then the person emails you that they have moved to scotland or Isle of man. IT IS A SCAM. NEVER BUY A DOG YOU HAVE NOT SEEN.

Why is it a scam, they will say they have moved so that you can pay to have the dogs delivered to you but in fact nothing will be delivered and your money will be lost.

2) Looks too perfect- They will say the dog has all the health checks done and it is free...they are very smart they will also ask you many questions and say will you send them pictures of the dog so that it seems like they care for the dog...IT IS A SCAM.

3) Sometimes you might find someone actually selling a dog and they actually stay were they said they did. You might visit them but I WOULD ASK TO SEE THE MOTHER OF THE PUPPY BEFORE BUYING because then you won't know what you will be buying. You might be buying a sick dog/puppy that will need medical attention which will cost you a lot of money.

Examine the dog, look at how it reacts when you arrive to visit it, it's stomach size and even it's eyes...

4) If they don't answer your questions even though you answered their questions, this is usually because they copy and paste the same things to many people in search of a dog...I would advise you not to give your number but ask for their number if you would like to make contact outside of the email.

Ain't they cute they will send you cute pictures so that they make you want them even more, don't fall for it...these scammers will have made 100 ads on different websites.

I never thought that it would be so hard to buy a dog and it has convienced me that getting a dog or a pet at this point in my life might cause more disadvantages than advantages. I have tried shelters, charities, which seem to be a scam as well (the one's I found anyways)Breeders are another This is to advice others so that they don't fall for these scams, it really does seem too good to be true.

Below are some scam emails:

Maybe it wasn't mean't to be, I will not force anything that is not meant to happen.

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